Friday, September 1, 2017

Unforgettable Pokhara - Jomsom flights

     Partially frightening, completely exciting and adventurous mountain flights, to my ever favorite destination in Nepal. Every flight experience has been unique; extremely disappointing delayed or cancelled flights from Pokhara itself, awesome view of pristine snow capped massifs at almost equal height of them, petrifying mid-air turbulence, hilarious expressions of horrified co-passengers, beautiful view of flying over the Kali Gandaki river and between the narrow passage of Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri mountain, and the best part saved for last - the supremely stylish landing against the wind. Stylish 'coz the aircraft has to abruptly descend little lower and immediately take a U turn. So if you're sitting on the right side of the aircraft, you are technically forced to almost fall on your co passenger sitting by your left side. I wonder how it feels to be sitting on the left side. All this for just a few seconds but it seems like you're in for the last flight of your life. Happy flying !!