Sunday, December 25, 2016

Monologues while traveling

       On  some days, it's beautiful to sleep in longer, have no urgent to do list and your mind is at peace when you wake up ... The world around you seems to be going on at it's usual pace but you seem to be static and enjoying every movement around you(for a change)..., there's no hurry to be anywhere or put multiple reminders on your phone ... I can pay attention to a-l-l the sweet things my dear loved ones do for me, I can attend to every thought every word and store in my mind for later. My mind and body seems at rest and even my skin feels relaxed. I l-o-v-e such time(s) when I can take a pause, pay attention to the moment and thank God for His goodness that surrounds me, rest relax and rejuvenate and mentally charge my batteries for later .. Thank you blessed Lord for such moments 😇

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